for Models

picture will be used to
illustrate a game character. Since I want to show characters
different emotional states, I need more than one photograph of each
person, if at all possible. Because the pictures will be
"comic-ized," you don't
to be a great actor -- or even a good actor :-) -- for this to work.
Once the comicization process is complete, the small details
an image are lost, and only the broadest outlines remain. So,
a little bit of overacting is good. :-)
If you don't want to take all 5 pictures but just want to use pictures
you already have, I can still use you, but as a minor character.
I still need the model release, though; see under "Where to send them."
I've said, "I want your
face," I'd actually like to have a
picture that shows more than just your face. If possible,
send pictures that show you from the waist up.
General Directions
Some people want things to be as simple as possible, whereas others
like having a lot of detail. So there are 2 version of the
general directions for models:
Directions -- Less
1. Please wear clothes whose color contrasts with your skin
hair, so that nothing blends into anything else.
2. Please stand or sit in front of something that isn't the
color as your clothes or hair or skin.
3. Please have even lighting on your face and neck; your face
shouldn't have any strong shadows on it.
4. Most people are more relaxed and comfortable when sitting
down, so please sit in an armless chair, unless you really prefer to
5. Take pictures from the waist up.
6. Wear the same clothes in all the photos, unless you're
two sets of photos in order to be twins (see #9 under Clothes).
7. Please look AT the camera.
8. Thank you!!!
9. If all of that sounds too complicated, then forget it.
Skip to the "Poses" section, and just take pictures I'd
rather have
imperfect pictures of you than none at all!. ;-)
Directions -- More Detail
1. Your face -- or face and body -- will be taken out of the picture
you send and pasted onto another background. You might be
down into an office or a restaurant or a library or a house.
if at all possible, please stand in front of a plain background.
If you have a section of wall that's just painted (not
wallpapered) and has no furniture or pictures or whatever, then that's
good. If you don't have something like that, throwing a
solid-color sheet over whatever is behind you would be good.
Please make sure the background is a different color from
hair, your skin, and your clothes, if at all possible.
2. Please have good contrast between the colors of your skin
hair and that of your clothes. If you have light beige skin,
please don't wear a white or beige shirt. If you have dark
skin, please don't wear a dark brown or black shirt. If you
dark skin, you might want to wear red or white or yellow or orange.
If you have light skin, you might want to wear blue or black
green or brown. If your hair color is very different from
skin color,
you'll need a fairly bright color so as not to blend into either one.
So, if you have light skin and black hair, then you really
bright red or bright blue or something like that, to contrast with
both. If you have dark skin and white hair, then well, bright
or bright blue again. Think contrast.
3. Please arrange the lighting so that there are no strong
shadows on your face and neck. The cartooning process adds
wherever there are boundaries, and if there's a big difference in the
lighting on one side of your face than on the other, the cartooning
process will put a big black line down the center of your face ...
which looks very weird.
4. Most
people are more relaxed and comfortable when
down, so please sit in an armless chair, unless you really prefer to
pictures from the waist up.
6. Wear the same clothes in all the photos, unless you're
sets of photos in order to be twins (see #9 under Clothes).
7. Please look AT the camera. You'll be an NPC
talking to
the player, and looking at the camera will make it look as if you're
looking at the players while you're talking to them.
8. Thank you!!!
9. If all of that sounds too complicated, then forget
it. Skip to the "Poses" section, and just take pictures. ;-)
The above describes my ideal photos, but I'd rather have
imperfect pictures of you than none at all!
Please send me a picture of you (wearing the same clothes!) in each of
the following moods:
1. Picture of you in a neutral
mood. You aren't happy, you aren't sad, you aren't angry, you
aren't much of anything. You might be slightly pleasant, the
you would be if you were meeting a stranger for the first time.
2. Happy
picture --
smiling, hands in a happy pose
3. Sad
and/or discouraged
picture -- head dropped a bit, looking at the ground but not dropped so
far that we can't see your face
4. Surprised
picture --
eyes wide, mouth open, hands in a surprised pose
5. Angry
6. If you're enjoying taking pictures, I'd love to have
Amused, Interested, and Excited
pictures, too, but if
once you've taken the first five, feel free to stop.
7. Optional extra credit :-) -- Some of the characters will
dateable. Dateables might need an additional outfit or two --
very dressed up, for going out to fancy restaurants or dancing in a
nightclub or something, and one in underwear, for if your character has
sex with the player. (Please note that I am NOT asking for
photos.:-) ) If you're including extra pictures in order to
dateable, then your facial expression should probably be loving or
flirtatious, but again, in broad outline. If you'd like to be
dateable, then you could consider striking a dance pose in one picture.
Some players will start the game as
going off to college, and some players will be middle-aged people
who've become dissatisfied with their lives and have decided to make a
fresh start. So dateables can be any age between 18 and 70;
don't have to be young to be a dateable.

I need pretty much anybody, but there are some kinds of people I
especially need:
1. A woman between 35 and 70 in a professional outfit -- a
business suit or the kind of dress that a lawyer would wear to work.
The lawyer is the principal quest giver and a major
character, so
if you send a good version of this, you're almost guaranteed to be in
the game. ;) Since the lawyer is the main quest giver, I will
need those additional moods (the Thoughtful,
Amused, Interested, and Excited moods mentioned in #6, above) if you
can possibly
manage it.
2. Several people -- male or female and of any age -- in a
waitress outfit
3. A person -- male or female and any age between 18 and 70,
should be reasonably fit
wearing gym clothes -- for an instructor at a fitness facility
4. A person -- male or female and any age between 30 and 70
-- in
a white lab coat, to be a doctor
5. Some
people -- both sexes, any age from 18 to 70 --
semi-nice to nice clothes (the kind of thing you'd wear to work)
6. Some people -- both sexes, all ages -- in very casual
(e.g., jeans and a tee shirt)
7. A few people -- both sexes, all ages -- dressed to kill
you'd wear to go out dancing in a fancy club or to eat at a fancy
8. A person -- male or female and any age between 35 and 70
-- in
a business suit, to be the mayor of the town.
9. Lots of people between the ages of 18 and 26 to be university
10. And,
for anyone who really likes being photographed or who's just really
helpful, I need someone who will be a set of twins who were separated
at birth. To be twins, of course I need for you to take a
full set of pictures wearing different clothes. And if you
could change your hair somehow, too, that would be great.
Part it in the center in one set of pictures and on the side in another
set. Or have your hair in an afro in one set and in braids in
another set. If you have long hair, have it long and visible
in one set of pictures and put it in a bun or pony tail or something
for the other set. I want your face to be obviously the same
-- so that the player notices that you're twins -- but of course since
you'll be two different people (and people who don't know each other),
you won't be dressed identically or wear your hair in the same fashion.
11. The town all of this is set in is a quirky town that's
run by
ageing hippies, so tie-dye, long hair, and the like are all welcome.
Of course, people still dress appropriately for their roles,
the mayor (if male) might have a pony tail in addition to his business
suit, and the gym instructor might have tie-dyed workout wear, and like
12. If you can't decide, then do #5 -- dress as if you were going
to work.
to send them
1. Please sign the Model Release since I can't use your
unless I have it. The model
release basically
says that you know that I
to use this picture in a computer game, and that's okay, you signed up
for that. For the model release in rtf format (read with Word
Pad), click here;
for the model release in pdf (read with Adobe Acrobat), click here
a. If
you live in the US, please mail a paper
of the model release to
the address that's given for me on that release, if you can.
you can't, then please
take a photograph
of the filled out and signed model release -- one where all of your
data is clearly visible -- and send that to me in e-mail with your
b. If
you do NOT live in the US, please take a
of the filled out and signed model release -- one where all of your
data is clearly visible -- and send that to me in e-mail with your
c. I need a model release from you even if we're
and I know you and love you and trust you. I'll probably be
self-publishing this game, but just in case I luck out and get a
publisher or distributor, they'll want to see a model release from
2. Send your pictures to MedicalProblemsQuiz at gmail dot com
3. Tell me what name you would like to appear in the credits
you can use your legal name, your usual nickname, your forum name, or
any permutation of those. You can also choose to be
anonymous, if
you prefer that.
4. I promise not to give or sell your address or other
information to
anybody. All I really want is your picture, and permission to
use it
in my game. :-)
you VERY much!!!
to the Model Recruitment page
to the main page
Thanks again!