Career for The Sims 1
Works in The Complete Collection but NOT in Legacy

made a Starfleet career — patterned after the Star Trek
TV show — for The Sims 1. Five years ago, I made a
Starfleet career for The Sims 3, available on ModTheSims
So I do have a track record with both Starfleet and Sims careers. :-)
I've made Starfleet uniforms to go with the career, the meshes for
which are already in your game. The career can be thought of
as going with any of the Star Trek series, but the uniforms are those
of Star Trek's original series. Garment creation is really
NOT my forte, and I could only manage the relatively simple uniforms of
the original series. :-) The women's uniforms are just like
the men's. Although I mostly adore Star Trek's original
series, putting working Starfleet officers in miniskirts is crazy, so
I've given the female officers the protection of long trousers.
Here are the uniforms:

The career levels are job descriptions, not just ranks. I figure the
progression of military ranks is not all that interesting; what's
interesting is what FUNCTION your sim has in Starfleet. So that's what
I gave you. You can serve as a Redshirt or a Helmsman or a
Science Officer and things like that. Getting promoted
quickly out of the Redshirt position is probably wise. :-)
Every level of the career has a chance card, and all of the chance
cards except the Redshirt level are positive. Most of them
give you a point or two towards the skills you'll need for your next
promotion. I've given you a high probability of getting a
chance card, so you'll probably see most of them. If you'd
prefer a lesser likelihood of getting a chance card, you can use the
Career Creator program to adjust the probability of getting a chance
card. You
don't need the
to play this career, though;
I've given you all the files you need.
(If you want the Career Creator program, you can get it (for free, of
course) at the Useful Programs page at SimEchoes:
This career is about as difficult as the Military career, requiring
about the same number of skill points. The Military career is
one of the more difficult Sims 1 careers, but really, it's Starfleet,
after all — this career is for the best and brightest;
Starfleet is no place for slackers. :-)
To reach Level 10, you'll need a lot of Logic, a lot of Charisma, and a
fair amount of Mechanical and Body, with a dash of
Creativity. This is a good career for Serious sims who are
also Active and Outgoing. You should probably spend a lot of
time playing chess with a buddy, and you might want my More Fun Chess
Table as an additional download. :-)
Unlike in most entry-level careers, you won't get promoted
automatically from Level 1 to Level 2, because you need some skills to
be promoted to Level 2. You're a student at Starfleet Academy
during the Level 1 job, so of course you need to know something in
order to be promoted.
Although Starfleet is only a QUASI-military organization, I thought
Military was the closest of standard Sims 1 careers, so I followed the
model of the Military career in giving a generous starting salary (by
entry-level Sims 1 standards). The top level of the career
earns a salary that's right in the middle of the Sims 1 careers; there
are ten careers where the top pay is higher and nine careers where the
top pay is lower.
I figure that Starfleet is intended to be a meritocracy, so there are
very few friends needed for this career. In Starfleet, it's
WHAT you know, not WHO you know that enables you to get
ahead. Star Trek is known for its idealistic view of the
future, after all. :-)
Although the highest levels of Starfleet in Star Trek are admirals and
the Commander in Chief, those aren't the highest levels of this
career. Admiral isn't what most people really want to
experience when they think of Starfleet; they think about being the
captain or the science officer. It made sense to include
admiral and Commander in Chief as the final career levels in The Sims 3,
where the sims age — so they'd need a less-strenuous ground
posting after a certain age — but given that Sims 1 sims are
ageless, I made the tenth level of the career Captain.
Because admirals may have a higher rank, but captains have WAY more
fun. :-)
Sadly, I couldn't have a starship beam you up to go to work; you get a
carpool in the usual way. We'll pretend that the carpool is
to the transporter facility. :-) For the first two levels,
attend Starfleet Academy, and after that, you'll be serving on a
Here's what the first level of the career looks like. You may
recognize the faces of one or two of my testers. :-)
Since the newspaper only
gives you one job offer per day, and the
computer only gives you three, I recommend that you get the Z-80
Computer by
Gnohmon, which offers a LOT more
jobs per day.
Some people like to know
everything about a career before they sign up for it, though
personally, I think half the fun of a career is seeing what the next
job level is and what they say about it. So I'll list all ten
job levels but put them on a separate page, so those who want to see
everything can look, but those who want to be surprised won't be
spoiled. If you want to see all the job details, you can find
them here: StarfleetCareerDetailPage.html
And the chance cards are here: StarfleetCareerChanceCards.html
Installation -- Very
It isn't possible to add additional careers to The Sims 1 —
we're limited to the number that comes with the game, so the way the
Career Creator program works is by substituting this career for one of
the existing careers. I've had the Starfleet career replace
the Crime career, since that's the one I never play.
The Crime career isn't overwritten, though; it's only replaced
temporarily. When you want the Crime career back, just take
the files I've given you out of the folders they go into, and you can
once again get a job as a Pickpocket. But I hope you'll enjoy
being a Starfleet officer more! :-)
You do NOT need the Career Creator program to use this career; all you
need are the files I give you.
The Starfleet uniforms only go with the career; you can't dress regular
sims in them. (I can make a separate download where the
uniforms have been re-named so as to be usable for any sim if there's
interest in that.)
Sadly, the "export" function of Career Creator doesn't work, so the
only way to share a new career is to give people the entire Work.iff
file. The Work.iff
file I've given you is
exactly like the Maxis one, except that the Starfleet career replaces
the Life of Crime career. If you want to use another custom
career, you'll need to uninstall this one before installing that one.
Do NOT put
these files in
your Downloads folder, because they will not work there!
Careers are pretty complicated, so there are several files you need to
have a new career.
Put the Work.iff
file in your ExpansionShared folder.
Put the CarPortal.iff
file in your GameData\Objects
Put the uniform
files (the ones that end in
.bmp) in your Game Data\Textures folder. Make sure you take
files OUT of the folder they come in; the .bmp files need to be in your
Textures folder with NO subfolders. I used a mesh that's
already in the game, so you don't need a mesh file, just the texture
Put the cpanel
folder (yes, the whole
folder) in your UIGraphics
** This career was made with a game installation that has all the
expansion packs; I don't know how or if it works if you're missing a
pack. **
I hope you'll enjoy playing this career. Boldly go!
made this career for my own use,
but I went to the trouble of uploading it in an attempt to make my
fellow simmers happy. So if you enjoy it, I'd love to hear about it! I
don't get mail at, but you can leave a comment in the
thread announcing the career at ModTheSims
or at Reddit or send me
a PM at either of those places; I'm Corylea at both.
Uniforms only
asked if I would re-number the Starfleet uniforms
so that they could be worn by sims who are NOT in the Starfleet career,
and I have done so. The mesh is the B003 mesh that comes with
game, so you don't need a mesh file, just the textures. All
these are for Fit sims, except that I've also made the blue Science
uniform available for skinny men, because Mr. Spock is a slender guy.
to the list of my Sims 1 mods