Starfleet Career for The Sims 1 Chance Cards

1.  The shuttlecraft broke down while you were on a training mission, so  you got to do a lot more hiking than you'd planned.  The exercise improved  your fitness, though, so it's not all bad.  

Gain 1 Body point.

2.  You decide to do extra-credit work for your Advanced Astrophysics course, and your mind expands accordingly.

Gain 1 Logic point

3.  You're hacking your way through an alien forest during an away mission when one of the trees hacks back!  Quick work by the medical officer keeps you from dying, but your health is still affected.

Lose 1 Body skill point.

4.  The transporter room needs to be staffed at all times, but people only beam up or down once in awhile.  You use your down time to study the math needed for promotion.

Gain 2 Logic skill points

5.  When the helmsman is teleported away by a powerful but whimsical entity, you have to fill in for them until the captain rescues them.  All that practice hones your skill with the tech.

Gain a Mechanical skill point

6.  The navigator bet you that you couldn't fly through the asteroid belt without hitting something.  It was hugely challenging, but you did it, and you're now richer by 2000 credits.

Gain 2000 Simoleans

7.  You're not the only one on the ship who likes to make music in their spare time, so you organize a group of musicans.  Playing with them polishes up your creative skills.

Gain 2 Creativity skill points

8.  The captain suggests that you teach a course for the junior officers, to help develop them into more skillful crew members.  Teaching the course gives you practice in communicating with all types of people, so it's not just the students who become more skillful.

Gain 2 Charisma skill points

9.  The captain is kidnapped, so you have to fill that role for several weeks until you finally manage to get them back.  You have to make several inspiring speeches, of the kind the captain usually makes, and you eventually get better at it.

Gain 2 Charisma skill points

10.  After you rescue the Admiral's daughter at the risk of your own life, Starfleet gives you a commendation.  The commendation comes with a monetary bonus, so you're richer by 2000 credits.

Gain 2000 Simoleans

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