No Friends Needed for Fame
Mod for The Sims 1

celebrities in the Fame career in The Sims 1 Superstar expansion pack
are quite snobbish and difficult to make friends with. I love
watching my sim sing in the recording studio or act out silly scenes
for daytime TV, but I hate having to cultivate those
snobby celebrities just to advance in my career.
Well, now you don't have to!
I've made a mod that completely eliminates the need for any celebrity
friends, while keeping the skill requirements the same. You
have all of the fun of the Fame career withOUT having to beg
those snobs to talk to you.
This does NOT alter the friends needed for any other career; the file
for the Fame career is separate from the file for the other careers.
to your Maxis\GameData folder. Find the fame.iff file
and move it to a safe place that's NOT anywhere in your Maxis folder or
a subfolder thereof. I have a folder with all my game back-up
stuff, and I make a subfolder in that folder called Sims 1 Original
Fame Goes in GameData, then put the original fame.iff file
in there. The name of the subfolder ensures that I remember
what this is and why I have it. :-)
Unzip the folder you downloaded. Put the fame.iff file
I've given you into your Maxis\GameData folder. Notice that
this does NOT go into a sub-folder, the way many other mods do; it goes
directly into your GameData folder, so make sure you take it out of the
folder it came in.
Any time you want celebrity friends to be required for the Fame career
again, just delete the fame.iff file I've given you and replace it with
the fame.iff file that you backed up.
The Download:
you enjoy this mod, I'd love to hear about it! I don't get
mail at, but you can leave a comment in the thread
announcing this mod at ModTheSims
or Reddit
or send me a PM at either
of those places; I'm Corylea at both.
Have fun!