
I've heard a LOT of people complain about the difficulty of making
friends in The
Sims 1. There are
some reasons this occurs that are easily worked around if you
understand how the game works. There's also my Interest
Adjuster, which will let you set your sim's interests to a specific
pattern. Use this on every sim in your neighborhood, and
you'll be able to make friends very
There are two general types of Interest Adjuster objects and two
flavors of each type. They all have different GUID's, so you
can have all four if you want them, though you'll probably
only want one or two.
What does it do? The Interest Adjuster sets the
interests that adults and children have in common --
Weather, Sports, Music, and Outdoors -- to 9, so that every sim in the
neighborhood will have a set of common interests that they can talk
1) The MANUAL type of interest adjuster requires that your
sim click on it to adjust their interests, so that you can control who
has had their interests adjusted. If you want to change the
interests of sims in the neighborhood, you'll need to play their
household for a minute or two, in order to have them click on the
interest adjuster.
2) The AUTOMATIC type of interest adjuster cycles through
every sim on the lot and adjusts everyone's interests. It
takes from 10 - 30 minutes to get to a sim, once they've spawned on the
lot, so give them a few minutes after spawning to let the adjuster work
before you talk to them. The automatic version will work not just
on neighborhood sims
that you could adjust manually if you wanted to but also on
Downtownies, Magic Town residents, sims on Vacation lots, and so on ...
provided that you've put an Automatic Interest Adjuster on the lot.
The "cycle though all the sims on
the lot" code is by Inge Jones of Simlogical; the "adjust this sim's
interests to a
particular pattern" code is by Corylea.
Because the automatic version
cycles through all the sims on the lot -- all day and all night,
forever -- it uses more processing power than most Sims 1
objects. But modern computers are so overpowered when playing
The Sims 1 that this is only likely to be a problem if you're still
playing The Sims on the computer you had back in 1999. :-)
So, I also said there are two flavors.
a) The TOTAL flavor, in addition to adjusting the four common
interests to 9, also adjusts all the other interests to 4 or 5.
b) The MODERATE flavor adjusts ONLY the four common interests
and leaves the others untouched, so every sim will have both the four
common interests and some personal interests that are just theirs.
The TOTAL flavor, in addition to setting those four interests to Level
9, also sets all of the other interests to Level 4 or 5. Four
or five points isn't enough for you to
start a
conversation about that topic, but it IS enough that you won't LOSE
relationship points if someone else talks about it. If you
use this on every sim in the neighborhood, your sim will never have a
bad conversation with another sim because of mismatched interests.
(You can still have a bad conversation if you use social
interactions that don't fit the other sim's personality or if you use
any given social interaction too many times in a row.)
I played with the TOTAL flavor for a few months and decided that while
it was very useful when I wanted to focus on my sim's career or dog
training or something, if I wanted to focus on social relationships, it
made things a bit dull, because every sim in the neighborhood had
exactly the same interest pattern.
So I made the second flavor. The MODERATE Interest Adjuster
still sets the levels of Weather, Sports, Music, and Outdoors to 9, but
it leaves all the other interests alone. So each sim will
have some personal interests, in addition to the common interests that
everybody has. You can still make friends with a sim, even if
your personal interests don't overlap, provided that you engage in
activities that allow you to control the topic of conversation.
If you're just standing around and talking, you have no
control over what the sims talk about. But if you're doing a
shared activity, such as watching television together, playing chess
together, eating a meal at a table together, and so on, then you can
click on your sim and choose Change Topic. If you change to
Weather, Sports, Music, and Outdoors, you can be sure the other sim
will share those interests if you've used The Interest Adjuster on them.
If you're looking for your sim's soulmate, though, you'll want to talk
about more than just the weather. :-) The Moderate Interest
Adjuster lets you have lots of friends for work but still lets you
search for someone whose personal
interests match yours.
The MANUAL Interest Adjuster looks like a lavender flamingo and can be
found near the other
flamingos in the catalog, under Decorative - Sculpture.
The AUTOMATIC Interest Adjuster looks like a pink African violet and
can be found near the other African violets in the catalog, under
Decorative - Plants.
Download the Manual version, Total flavor:
Download the
Manual version, Moderate flavor:
Download the
Automatic version, Total flavor:
Download the
Automatic version, Moderate flavor:
Other information about making friends in The Sims 1 can be found in my
essay How To Make Friends In The Sims 1.
The Interest Adjuster is installed in the usual way; unzip
folder to
your Program Files (x86)\Maxis\Downloads folder.
made these mods for my own use, but I went to
the trouble of uploading them in an attempt to make my fellow simmers
happy. So if
you enjoy any of these mods, I'd love to hear about it!
mail at, but you can leave a comment in the thread
announcing these mods at ModTheSims
or Reddit
or send me a PM at either
of those places; I'm Corylea at both.
Have fun!
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