Hacked Electronics Objects for The Sims 1

Quiet Televisions - My sims love to watch TV, but *I* don't love to hear it.  If you're tired of listening to your sims' TV blaring, then this is for you.

These are new TV's, found in your catalog as usual; these mods don't alter the Maxis televisions.  They go in your Downloads folder as usual.



  Social Computer

When you play games on this computer, you play them online with your friends, so in addition to gaining Fun, the sim also gains Social.  Since playing online isn't as socially satisfying as a face-to-face interaction, playing online doesn't fill your Social need completely full; it fills it about 85% full.  But that's enough to get promoted. :-)

This is a new object, one simoleon cheaper than the Maxis computer, with the background colored lavender to make it easier to distinguish from the Maxis computer in the catalog.  So it goes in Downloads, as normal for new objects.

This was made at the request of u/Rydychyn on Reddit.


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