a bite-sized adventure for The

"Yennefer's Valentine" is a
short adventure for The Witcher that takes only 15 minutes to
In this adventure, we look in on Geralt and Yennefer as
they celebrate Valentine's Day together. Well, sort of together.
;) This mini adventure is intentionally somewhat
silly, rather than deep or meaningful, so don't hurt me if Yennefer
isn't exactly as you'd hoped for. :-)
Even though it's extremely short, there are six possible paths through
the game -- two main paths with three permutations each.
Fight alongside Zoltan or compose poetry with Dandelion.
in your tasks and enjoy the make-out scene as Yennefer comes to your
(I made this thing in less than a week, so don't expect something like
"Medical Problems," okay? :- ) It's not just shorter than
MP's 1 and 2, it's also less obsessively detailed.)
The file you download is called, and if you look at
it in Windows Explorer, it should say that it has a file size of
53,607 KB.
Unzip that file, and you should have two files: a README and
the adventure file. The adventure file is called
yens_valentine.adv, and
if you look at it in Windows Explorer, it should say that it has a
file size of 84,890 KB.
Couple of Notes:
If your copy of The
is installed in English,
everything about this adventure should work just fine. If
your copy of The Witcher
is installed in another language, even if you have the text language
set to English, the teleportation dialogue that the portal gives you
may be in your original language and may have the original choices,
rather than the ones that belong to this adventure. This
isn't anything that I did; it's just a quirk of the game's engine.
If you get this problem, there's an easy way around it, though; just
remember that
a. "The Swamp Tower" (however that's said in your language)
-- or the first choice you're offered -- actually means "Dandelion
knows a lot about women. I'll go
ask his advice."
b. "The Elven ruins in the sewers (however that's said in
your language) -- or the second choice you're offered -- actually means
"Zoltan is level-headed and helpful.
I'll go ask his advice." To be on the safe side,
save your game before using the portal.

Yennefer tells
you not to move while you're using the portal or
while you're using the teleportation scroll that she gives you.
Listen to her! Don't move
after you've started
until you get where you're going and the teleportation special effect
turns off. You
don't want Geralt to arrive missing an arm,
you? :-)
A few cool things to notice
1. There's a portrait of Geralt on the wall in Yennefer's
apartment, just to the right of her bed.
2. What does that monster look like it's made of?
what does it EAT, after all. :-)
3. Once you've taken the chocolate box quest item, you'll
access to the pound of chocolates that's contained inside it.
Geralt can eat these chocolates, and they act like any other
food, boosting his vitality regeneration for a short while.
4. The animation for the make-out scene at the end of the
has been present in The
Witcher all
along, but for some reason, CDPR decided not to show it to us.
thought it was too lovely to go unseen, so I'm showing it to you.
Good job, CDPR!
to get help, ask questions, and
make comments
You can leave questions or comments in the "Yennefer's Valentine"
thread at either the official Witcher forum or at the Witcher Nexus.
You can also send mail to medicalproblemsquiz at gmail dot
If you play the adventure and like it, I'd love to hear what
liked about it!
that wasn't made by CDPR was made by Cory
"Corylea" Kerens,
with the exception of the lovely nude Yennefer texture, which is the
work of Felldude. Thanks, Felldude!
Big thanks to the playtesters: Dragonbird and Secondchildren.
You guys are the best!
The music over the opening and closing movies is that of Dandelion
playing the lute. As long as he keeps his mouth shut, he
sounds pretty good. :-)
for Windows XP:
1. Copy the ADV file to the Shared Documents\The Witcher
folder. The easiest way to find this is in My
Computer. You should see a m1_module.adv file already in this
folder. If not, it's probably in the wrong folder, unless you
know that you've removed "The Price of Neutrality." If you
can't find it, open up Windows Explorer and put C:\Documents and
Settings\All Users\Documents\The Witcher in the Address bar at the top.
2. The first time you start the game, go to the Options
panel, to the Game Options tab and make sure that the "Subtitles"
option is checked.
3. If the language in which you play The
Witcher is
already set to English, please set it to English before starting up the
adventure, or you'll get a bizarre error message.
4. Note that this adventure is for The
Witcher; it
is not intended for -- and will not work with -- The
Witcher 2.
for Windows
1. Copy the ADV file to the C:\Users\Public\Public
Documents\The Witcher folder. You should see a m1_module.adv
file already in this folder. If not, it's probably in the
wrong folder, unless you know that you've removed "The Price of
2. The first time you start the game, go to the Options
panel, to the Game Options tab and make sure that the "Subtitles"
option is checked.
3. If the language in which you play The
Witcher is
already set to English, please set it to English before starting up the
adventure, or you'll get a bizarre error message.
4. Note that this adventure is for The
Witcher; it
is not intended for -- and will not work with -- The
Witcher 2.
for Windows 7:
1. Copy the ADV file to the C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\The
Witcher folder. You should see a m1_module.adv file already
in this folder. If not, it's probably in the wrong folder,
unless you know that you've removed "The Price of Neutrality."
2. The first time you start the game, go to the Options
panel, to the Game Options tab and make sure that the "Subtitles"
option is checked.
3. If the language in which you play The
Witcher is
already set to English, please set it to English before starting up the
adventure, or you'll get a bizarre error message.
4. Note that this adventure is for The
Witcher; it
is not intended for -- and will not work with -- The
Witcher 2.
"Yennefer's Valentine" is copyright 2012 by Cory Lea Kerens.
This adventure was released under the Creative Commons
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC
BY-NC-ND 3.0)

If you're looking for help
playing The
Witcher, check out the official
forum, the Witcher
Wiki, or the Gamepressure
If it's Djinni help you're looking for, check out the Djinni section of the official forum
or the Djinni
Wiki. Or you could
send me a PM at the forum, and I might know enough to help you, or I
might not.
Please don't try to send mail to,
it won't get through -- I don't receive mail here.
Also, I don't have a Twitter account; the person who tweets under the
name "Corylea" is someone else.
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