Objects for The Sims
have to clean the toilet
after EVERY USE? Even the ones
with ZERO Neatness points? How does that make sense?
I've hacked the toilet so that if two sims each use the
toilet twice a day, it will need cleaning in about a week.
(Obviously, it will need cleaning sooner if more than two sims are
using it.) It also breaks a lot less.
Bladder Plant -- Sims don't
have to pee EVER.
Applies to all sims on the lot.
Cloned from the Party Plant by Inge Jones at Simlogical
and modified to affect only the bladder motive.
Doesn't work instantly; adjusts the bladder motive of ALL sims on the
lot once every 30 sim minutes.
Everything cool about this plant is from Inge Jones; Corylea only
changed it so that it would be bladder only. I put one of
on every Community lot, every Downtown lot, every Studio Town lot, and
so on, so there won't be a big pile-up at the bathrooms.
Bladder Plant.zip
Pedestal sink, hacked not to break and to reduce advertising
dishwashing. Because most people don't wash their dishes in
the bathroom sink. :-)
Counter sink, hacked not to
cheap shower, hacked not to break and recolored so that it's just
white not Maxis' ubiquitous turquoise.
Although this shower doesn't break, it does
need cleaning, because eliminating cleaning feels a bit too cheaty to
me. This version has the usual privacy requirement. The NoBreakShower and the
NoBreakNoPrivacyShower both use the same GUID,
so use one or the other but not both. (If
you want a shower that doesn't break AND never needs cleaning, you can
get one from Hedda at SomeSimThings, here: Hedda's
has lots of great things, so if you've never been
there, be sure to check out her site!)
cheap shower, hacked not to break AND
not to need privacy and
recolored so that it's just
white not Maxis' ubiquitous turquoise.
Although this shower doesn't break, it does
need cleaning, because eliminating cleaning feels a bit too cheaty to
me. The NoBreakShower and the
NoBreakNoPrivacyShower both use the same GUID,
so use one or the other but not both.
you want a shower that doesn't break AND never needs cleaning, you can
get one from Hedda at SomeSimThings, here: Hedda's
has lots of great things, so if you've never been
there, be sure to check out her site!)
All of
these items are installed in the usual way; unzip the folder to
your Program Files (x86)\Maxis\Downloads folder.
made these mods for my own use, but I went to
the trouble of uploading them in an attempt to make my fellow simmers
happy. So if
you enjoy any of these mods, I'd love to hear about it!
mail at corylea.com, but you can leave a comment in the thread
announcing these mods at ModTheSims
or Reddit
or send me a PM at either
of those places; I'm Corylea at both.
Have fun!
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